Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Circadian lighting with Home Assistant and Node-RED

Use lighting to compliment your circadian by setting lights to come on and off, at the level of brightness that you want, at regular times each day. The consistency created by the automatic lighting will help create a regular sleep pattern and thus circadian rhythms that work with rather than against your lifestyle. The Hue app does have automations support of rules based on Sunrise and Sunset. Artificial lighting is great, in that it lets us work and live well into the night.

circadian lighting for home

This master-clock controls all kinds of biological functions – from gene expression to daily hormone production in our bodies. This will reduce blue light from everything in the environment. It does no good to dim/redden the lights, and then look at your phone or TV. I prefer using Hue color bulbs because they look really good, are really bright, and I already am heavily invested in Hue .

BIOS Origins – NASA and Circadian Lighting

The Circadian Light can help to create an optimal natural lighting environment. With the right light intensity at the right time of the day, it can correct a disturbed circadian rhythm. It helps to synchronize the body’s circadian rhythm, to produce the necessary hormones to your body, like melatonin, to keep your body healthier and in balance. Spending most of our time indoors means that we no longer receive this critical light signal and research shows that traditional indoor lighting does not provide the light signals our bodies need for healthy circadian rhythms.

circadian lighting for home

Maybe in California you don't need this, but in the northern half of Europe (i.e. Germany and above) the weather this time of year is pretty abysmal. My office has floor to ceiling glass on three sides, but today at 2pm we had to turn on the lights because it was so cloudy and dark. Not to sound like the infamous Dropbox comment, but would the patent prevent you from doing? Changing light temperature and colour over the course of the day?


At its most complex, it is a proactive system geared towards occupant wellbeing guided by elements of design and technology working in unison, creating a beautiful, healthy and functional space. The issue with the way most buildings are lit relates to how traditional lighting was first conceived. Artificial lighting was always meant to keep humans operating well into the night for the sake of productivity, and for all that its worth, it does its job well. Often operating on a fixed color temperature and brightness, an average fluorescent bulb is designed to keep people active well past the sun’s departure. ‘Your circadian rhythm is basically a 24-hour internal clock that is running in the background of your brain and cycles between sleepiness and alertness at regular intervals. It's also known as your sleep/wake cycle.’ It works best when you have regular sleep habits, such as - quite simply - going to bed at night and waking up in the morning around the same times from day to day.

circadian lighting for home

I have tried some cheap Magiclight bulbs and they work okay but I still prefer Hue . If you have any type of bulb you recommend for this please feel free to share below in the comments. Bright light prompts the adrenal glands to produce and release cortisol, the hormone that drives wakefulness. Night-time darkness stimulates the pineal gland to produce its companion hormone melatonin, which promotes sleepiness. As we age, the number of light-sensing cones in our retinas dramatically decreases.

How Lighting Can Help You Create a Good Sleep Routine

I would love to hear about any sort of changes people make to this setup. The colour spectrum of light can be altered to support aspects of human behaviour and plant growth that benefit from varied and changeable lighting. This is particularly important in vertical farming as different crops will require different conditions; hence personalisation on a granular level is essential.

This means that we need to essentially turn our clocks back by 12 minutes each day, which morning sun exposure can help with. It started out as an excuse to learn python, then when I moved I switched my main controller over to a pre-packaged product . I have been doing this in some form or another for a long time. I found if you use warm white bulbs the simplest solution is just to dim them as the night goes on.


The adaptive lighting feature in Home kit does exactly this out of the box. For me, it’s worked nearly flawlessly, with only one to two bugs, every three months or so. In the early 1990s, NASA scientists began experimenting with HPS lighting to produce leafy greens, such as lettuce, in space. The success of this experiment demonstrated how artificial light might be beneficial across other applications, including human wellness. Additionally, rather than winding down under the stars, we remain very active in the night and often spend evenings hours under the same lighting conditions we had during the day. Keep in mind “daylight” color temp light needs to be bright, or it is percieved as “dingy” or “clinical”, and won’t have the same effect as actual sunlight.

circadian lighting for home

Awake all night and ravenous at 4.30am through those exhausting months, I found that every part of me was singing from a different hymn sheet . T’s 8.30pm on a gloomy November evening and I’m sitting on the sofa under a tartan blanket and wearing a pair of orange-lensed specs. We work with owners, operators and designers of care environments to bring the benefits of circadian-supportive care to existing and new properties. Connected sensor networks can monitor any variables you may require, such as the noise level in a room. If a class has become loud and disruptive, the lighting can react in real-time to subtly adjust the ambience, resulting in a calming effect.

Circadian lighting with Home Assistant: Like f.lux, but for your house

Our strategically designed system has the power to positively affect building occupant's productivity, decrease sick days and increase alertness. Sunlight is free for daytime, and soft white bulbs are cheaper than smart bulbs for nighttime. Traditional timers, switches, and the clapper can add ‘automation’ if necessary.

circadian lighting for home

This implementation seems more around more fine adjustments to brightness/colour/colour temp, but mine's more geared towards "Is the sun down? Change the scene." Add Node-Red to that and building automations is a breeze. And with a stick such as Conbee 2 you can control all the lights and non-light ZigBee products directly from Home Assistant. I did mean lux, and what you are saying is exactly my point.

You can still watch TV, but the red lights simulate the body seeing a red sunset, and this triggers a sleep response in humans. Possibly this is also an adaptation to seeing campfires at night. States the effects are “subtle but noticable.” He notes that it’s easier to feel sharp and work during the day, but harder to continue the lighting warms and dims at night. He points out that this is a design feature to help keep him on a healthy sleep schedule. Research studies indicate that circadian lighting can lead to improved mental health, sleep patterns, comfort, productivity, and general wellbeing. Sunlight does more than change its color temperature and brightness throughout the day.

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